Monday, August 31, 2009


One of highlights this year at Lake Powell was our "Summer Olympics". We divided into 3 groups of 6 people. We then came up with 6 different events that we each participated in and the team that got the best time won.  It was a blast. We did everything from swimming, running, skiing on two ski's behind a wave runner, jet skiing and diving for a sunken bottle. It is something we will do each time we are able to go to Lake Powell.
There are few great experiences in life we get to share with our family. Our's is Lake Powell. This year we had the wonderful chance to spend it with more of our great family. We had the great comeback of Elder Bradford Davis and a few wonderful new additions to this already blessed family. We swam; we laughed, we ate really good food and strolled the beach naked (that would be the babies!). We will always remember our great times at Lake Powell. How blessed we are to have such a beautiful, loving family.
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1 comment:

Kristen Westbrook said...

Oh my word that collage is so funny! I love all the naked bums! I need to get those ones of Addie from you! Thanks for the great memories, we always love Lake Powell!